Migrate schema and data from Apache Hive

This document describes how to migrate your data, security settings, and pipelines from Apache Hive to BigQuery.

You can also use batch SQL translation to migrate your SQL scripts in bulk, or interactive SQL translation to translate ad hoc queries. Apache HiveQL is fully supported by both SQL translation services.

Prepare for migration

The following sections describe how to collect information about table statistics, metadata, and security settings to help you migrate your data warehouse from Hive to BigQuery.

Collect source table information

Gather information about source Hive tables such as their number of rows, number of columns, column data types, size, input format of the data, and location. This information is useful in the migration process and also to validate the data migration. If you have a Hive table named employees in a database named corp, use the following commands to collect table information:

# Find the number of rows in the table
hive> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM corp.employees;

# Output all the columns and their data types
hive> DESCRIBE corp.employees;

# Output the input format and location of the table
hive> SHOW CREATE TABLE corp.employees;
TBLPROPERTIES (# Get the total size of the table data in bytes
shell> hdfs dfs -du -s TABLE_LOCATION

Source table format conversion

Some of the formats that Hive supports cannot be ingested into BigQuery directly.

Hive supports storing data in the following formats:

  • Text file
  • RC file
  • Sequence file
  • Avro file
  • ORC file
  • Parquet file

BigQuery supports loading data from Cloud Storage in any of the following file formats:

  • CSV
  • JSON (Newline delimited)
  • Avro
  • ORC
  • Parquet

BigQuery can load data files in Avro, ORC, and Parquet formats directly without the need of schema files. For text files that are not formatted as CSV or JSON (Newline delimited), you can either copy the data to a Hive table in Avro format, or you can convert the table schema to a BigQuery JSON schema to provide when ingesting.

Collect Hive access control settings

Hive and BigQuery have different access control mechanisms. Collect all the Hive access control settings such as roles, groups, members, and privileges granted to them. Map out a security model in BigQuery on a per-dataset level and implement a fine-grained ACL. For example, a Hive user can be mapped to a Google account and a HDFS group can be mapped to a Google group. Access can be set on the dataset level. Use the following commands to collect access control settings in Hive:

# List all the users
> hdfs dfs -ls /user/ | cut -d/ -f3

# Show all the groups that a specific user belongs to
> hdfs groups user_name

# List all the roles

# Show all the roles assigned to a specific group
hive> SHOW ROLE GRANT GROUP group_name

# Show all the grants for a specific role
hive> SHOW GRANT ROLE role_name;

# Show all the grants for a specific role on a specific object
hive> SHOW GRANT ROLE role_name on object_type object_name;

In Hive, you may access the HDFS files behind the tables directly if you have the required permissions. In standard BigQuery tables, after the data is loaded into the table, the data gets stored in the BigQuery storage. You can read data by using the BigQuery Storage Read API but all IAM, row-, and column-level security is still enforced. If you are using BigQuery external tables to query the data in Cloud Storage, access to Cloud Storage is also controlled by IAM.

You can create a BigLake table that lets you use connectors to query the data with Apache Spark, Trino, or Apache Hive. The BigQuery Storage API enforces row- and column-level governance policies for all BigLake tables in Cloud Storage or BigQuery.

Data migration

Migrating Hive data from your on-premises or other cloud-based source cluster to BigQuery has two steps:

  1. Copying data from a source cluster to Cloud Storage
  2. Loading data from Cloud Storage into BigQuery

The following sections cover migrating Hive data, validating migrated data, and handling migration of continuously ingested data. The examples are written for non-ACID tables.

Partition column data

In Hive, data in partitioned tables is stored in a directory structure. Each partition of the table is associated with a particular value of partition column. The data files themselves do not contain any data of the partition columns. Use the SHOW PARTITIONS command to list the different partitions in a partitioned table.

The example below shows that the source Hive table is partitioned on the columns joining_date and department. The data files under this table do not contain any data related to these two columns.

hive> SHOW PARTITIONS corp.employees_partitioned

One way to copy these columns is to convert the partitioned table into a non-partitioned table before loading into BigQuery:

  1. Create a non-partitioned table with schema similar to the partitioned table.
  2. Load data into the non-partitioned table from the source partitioned table.
  3. Copy these data files under the staged non-partitioned table to Cloud Storage.
  4. Load the data into BigQuery with the bq load command and provide the name of the TIMESTAMP or DATE type partition column, if any, as the time_partitioning_field argument.

Copy data to Cloud Storage

The first step in data migration is to copy the data to Cloud Storage. Use Hadoop DistCp to copy data from your on-premises or other-cloud cluster to Cloud Storage. Store your data in a bucket in the same region or multi-region as the dataset where you want to store the data in BigQuery. For example, if you want to use an existing BigQuery dataset as the destination which is in the Tokyo region, you must choose a Cloud Storage regional bucket in Tokyo to hold the data.

After selecting the Cloud Storage bucket location, you can use the following command to list out all the data files present at the employees Hive table location:

> hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://demo_cluster/user/hive/warehouse/corp/employees

Copy all the files from above to Cloud Storage:

> hadoop distcp

Note that you are charged for storing the data in Cloud Storage according to the Data storage pricing.

There might be staging directories that hold intermediate files created for query jobs. You must ensure that you delete any such directories before running the bq load command.

Loading data

BigQuery supports batch loading data in many formats from Cloud Storage. Ensure that the BigQuery dataset you want to load your data into exists prior to creating a load job.

The following command shows the data copied from Hive for a non-ACID table:

> gcloud storage ls gs://hive_data/corp/employees/

To load your Hive data into BigQuery, use the bq load command. You can use a wildcard character * in the URL to load data from multiple files that share a common object prefix. For example, use the following command to load all the files sharing the prefix gs://hive_data/corp/employees/:

bq load --source_format=AVRO corp.employees gs://hive_data/corp/employees/*

Because jobs can take a long time to complete, you can execute them asynchronously by setting the --sync flag to False. Running the bq load command outputs the job ID of the created load job, so you can use this command to poll the job status. This data includes details such as the job type, the job state, and the user who ran the job.

Poll each load job status using its respective job ID and check for any job that has failed with errors. In case of failure, BigQuery uses an "All or None" approach while loading data into a table. You can try resolving the errors and safely re-create another load job. For more information, see troubleshooting errors.

Ensure you have enough load job quota per table and project. If you exceed your quota, then the load job fails with a quotaExceeded error.

Note that you are not charged for a load operation to load data into BigQuery from Cloud Storage. Once the data is loaded into BigQuery, it is subject to BigQuery's storage pricing. When the load jobs are finished successfully, you can delete any remaining files in Cloud Storage to avoid incurring charges for storing redundant data.


After loading data successfully, you can validate your migrated data by comparing the number of rows in the Hive and BigQuery tables. View the table information to get details about BigQuery tables such as the number of rows, number of columns, partitioning fields, or clustering fields. For additional validation, consider trying the Data validation tool.

Continuous ingestion

If you continuously ingest data into a Hive table, perform an initial migration and then migrate only the incremental data changes to BigQuery. It is common to create scripts that run repeatedly to find and load new data. There are many ways to do this, and the following sections describe one possible approach.

You can keep track of the migration progress in a Cloud SQL database table, which is referred to as a tracking table in the following sections. During the first run of migration, store the progress in the tracking table. For the subsequent runs of migration, use the tracking table information to detect if any additional data has been ingested and can be migrated to BigQuery.

Select an INT64, TIMESTAMP, or DATE type identifier column to distinguish the incremental data. This is referred to as an incremental column.

The following table is an example of a table with no partitioning that uses a TIMESTAMP type for its incremental column:

| timestamp_identifier        | column_2  | column_3  | column_4  | column_5  |
| 2018-10-10 21\:56\:41       |           |           |           |           |
| 2018-10-11 03\:13\:25       |           |           |           |           |
| 2018-10-11 08\:25\:32       |           |           |           |           |
| 2018-10-12 05\:02\:16       |           |           |           |           |
| 2018-10-12 15\:21\:45       |           |           |           |           |

The following table is an example of a table partitioned on a DATE type column partition_column. It has an integer type incremental column int_identifier in each partition.

| partition_column    | int_identifier      | column_3 | column_4 | column_5  |
| 2018-10-01          | 1                   |          |          |           |
| 2018-10-01          | 2                   |          |          |           |
| ...                 | ...                 |          |          |           |
| 2018-10-01          | 1000                |          |          |           |
| 2018-11-01          | 1                   |          |          |           |
| 2018-11-01          | 2                   |          |          |           |
| ...                 | ...                 |          |          |           |
| 2018-11-01          | 2000                |          |          |           |

The following sections describe migrating Hive data based on whether or not it is partitioned and whether or not it has incremental columns.

Non-partitioned table without incremental columns

Assuming there are no file compactions in Hive, Hive creates new data files when ingesting new data. During the first run, store the list of files in the tracking table and complete the initial migration of the Hive table by copying these files to Cloud Storage and loading them into BigQuery.

> hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://demo_cluster/user/hive/warehouse/corp/employees
Found 3 items

After the initial migration, some data is ingested in Hive. You only need to migrate this incremental data to BigQuery. In the subsequent migration runs, list out the data files again and compare them with the information from the tracking table to detect new data files that haven't been migrated.

> hdfs dfs -ls hdfs://demo_cluster/user/hive/warehouse/corp/employees
Found 5 items

In this example, two new files are present at the table location. Migrate the data by copying these new data files to Cloud Storage and loading them into the existing BigQuery table.

Non-partitioned table with incremental columns

In this case, you can use the maximum value of incremental columns to determine if any new data was added. While performing the initial migration, query the Hive table to fetch the maximum value of the incremental column and store it in the tracking table:

hive> SELECT MAX(timestamp_identifier) FROM corp.employees;
2018-12-31 22:15:04

In the subsequent runs of migration, repeat the same query again to fetch the present maximum value of the incremental column and compare it with the previous maximum value from the tracking table to check if incremental data exists:

hive> SELECT MAX(timestamp_identifier) FROM corp.employees;
2019-01-04 07:21:16

If the present maximum value is greater than the previous maximum value, it indicates that incremental data has been ingested into the Hive table as in the example. To migrate the incremental data, create a staging table and load only the incremental data into it.

hive> CREATE TABLE stage_employees LIKE corp.employees;
hive> INSERT INTO TABLE stage_employees SELECT * FROM corp.employees WHERE timestamp_identifier>"2018-12-31 22:15:04" and timestamp_identifier<="2019-01-04 07:21:16"

Migrate the staging table by listing out the HDFS data files, copying them to Cloud Storage, and loading them into the existing BigQuery table.

Partitioned table without incremental columns

Ingestion of data into a partitioned table might create new partitions, append incremental data to existing partitions, or do both. In this scenario, you can identify those updated partitions but cannot easily identify what data has been added to these existing partitions since there is no incremental column to distinguish. Another option is to take and maintain HDFS snapshots, but snapshotting creates performance concerns for Hive so it is generally disabled.

While migrating the table for the first time, run the SHOW PARTITIONS command and store the information about the different partitions in the tracking table.

hive> SHOW PARTITIONS corp.employees

The above output shows that the table employees has two partitions. A simplified version of the tracking table is provided below to show how this information can be stored.

partition_information file_path gcs_copy_status gcs_file_path bq_job_id ...
partition_column =2018-10-01
partition_column =2018-11-01

In the subsequent migration runs, run the SHOW PARTITIONS command again to list all the partitions and compare these with the partition information from the tracking table to check if any new partitions are present which haven't been migrated.

hive> SHOW PARTITIONS corp.employees

If any new partitions are identified as in the example, create a staging table and load only the new partitions into it from the source table. Migrate the staging table by copying the files to Cloud Storage and loading them into the existing BigQuery table.

Partitioned table with incremental columns

In this scenario, the Hive table is partitioned and an incremental column is present in every partition. Continuously ingested data increments upon this column value. Here you have the ability to migrate the new partitions as described in the previous section and you can also migrate incremental data that has been ingested into the existing partitions.

When migrating the table for the first time, store the minimum and maximum values of the incremental column in each partition along with the information about the table partitions in the tracking table.

hive> SHOW PARTITIONS corp.employees

hive> SELECT MIN(int_identifier),MAX(int_identifier) FROM corp.employees WHERE partition_column="2018-10-01";
1 1000

hive> SELECT MIN(int_identifier),MAX(int_identifier) FROM corp.employees WHERE partition_column="2018-11-01";
1 2000

The above output shows that the table employees has two partitions and the minimum and maximum values of the incremental column in each partition. A simplified version of the tracking table is provided below to show how this information can be stored.

partition_information inc_col_min inc_col_max file_path gcs_copy_status ...
partition_column =2018-10-01 1 1000
partition_column =2018-11-01 1 2000

In the subsequent runs, run the same queries to fetch the present maximum value in each partition and compare it with the previous maximum value from the tracking table.

hive> SHOW PARTITIONS corp.employees

hive> SELECT MIN(int_identifier),MAX(int_identifier) FROM corp.employees WHERE partition_column="2018-10-01";

In the example, two new partitions have been identified and some incremental data has been ingested in the existing partition partition_column=2018-10-01. If there is any incremental data, create a staging table, load only the incremental data into the staging table, copy the data to Cloud Storage, and load the data into the existing BigQuery table.

Security settings

BigQuery uses IAM to manage access to resources. BigQuery predefined roles provide granular access for a specific service and are meant to support common use cases and access control patterns. You can use custom roles to provide even more fine-grained access by customizing a set of permissions.

Access controls on tables and datasets specify the operations that users, groups, and service accounts are allowed to perform on tables, views, and datasets. Authorized views let you share query results with particular users and groups without giving them access to the underlying source data. With row-level security and column-level security, you can restrict who can access which rows or columns within a table. Data masking lets you selectively obscure column data for groups of users, while still allowing access to the column.

When you apply access controls, you can grant access to the following users and groups:

  • User by e-mail: gives an individual Google account access to the dataset
  • Group by e-mail: gives all members of a Google group access to the dataset
  • Domain: gives all users and groups in a Google domain access to the dataset
  • All Authenticated Users: gives all Google account holders access to the dataset (makes the dataset public)
  • Project Owners: gives all project owners access to the dataset
  • Project Viewers: gives all project viewers access to the dataset
  • Project Editors: gives all project editors access to the dataset
  • Authorized View: gives a view access to the dataset

Data pipeline changes

The following sections discuss how to change your data pipelines when you migrate from Hive to BigQuery.


If your existing pipeline uses Sqoop to import data into HDFS or Hive for processing, modify the job to import data into Cloud Storage.

If you are importing data into HDFS, choose one of the following:

If you want Sqoop to import data into Hive running on Google Cloud, point it to the Hive table directly and use Cloud Storage as the Hive warehouse instead of HDFS. To do this, set the property hive.metastore.warehouse.dir to a Cloud Storage bucket.

You can run your Sqoop job without managing a Hadoop cluster by using Dataproc to submit Sqoop jobs to import data into BigQuery.

Spark SQL and HiveQL

The batch SQL translator or interactive SQL translator can automatically translate your Spark SQL or HiveQL to GoogleSQL.

If you don't want to migrate your Spark SQL or HiveQL to BigQuery, you can use Dataproc or the BigQuery connector with Apache Spark.

Hive ETL

If there are any existing ETL jobs in Hive, you can modify them in the following ways to migrate them from Hive:

  • Convert the Hive ETL job to a BigQuery job by using the batch SQL translator.
  • Use Apache Spark to read from and write to BigQuery by using the BigQuery connector. You can use Dataproc to run your Spark jobs in a cost-efficient way with the help of ephemeral clusters.
  • Rewrite your pipelines using the Apache Beam SDK and run them on Dataflow.
  • Use Apache Beam SQL to rewrite your pipelines.

To manage your ETL pipeline, you can use Cloud Composer (Apache Airflow) and Dataproc Workflow Templates. Cloud Composer provides a tool for converting Oozie workflows to Cloud Composer workflows.


If you want to move your Hive ETL pipeline to fully managed cloud services, consider writing your data pipelines using the Apache Beam SDK and running them on Dataflow.

Dataflow is a managed service for executing data processing pipelines. It executes programs written using the open source framework Apache Beam. Apache Beam is a unified programming model that enables you to develop both batch and streaming pipelines.

If your data pipelines are standard data movement, you can use Dataflow templates to quickly create Dataflow pipelines without writing code. You can refer to this Google-provided template which allows you to read text files from Cloud Storage, apply transformations, and write the results to a BigQuery table.

To further simplify data processing, you can also try Beam SQL which allows you to process data using SQL-like statements.