This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.
Apigee Edge documentation.
You can revoke OAuth 2.0 access tokens by end user ID, app ID, or both using the RevokeOAuthV2 policy. By end user, we mean the user of the app that is calling the API.
When to store the user ID in an access token
User IDs are not included in access tokens by default. Sometimes, it is useful to store the user ID in an access token. For example:
- A feature for your website or app where users can see which third-party apps they have authorized, and to provide an option to revoke access to those apps.
- A feature that allows an authorized user to revoke all access tokens associated with a specific Developer App.
About OAuth access tokens
By default, when Apigee generates an OAuth 2.0 access token, the token has the format shown below:
{ "issued_at" : "1421847736581", "application_name" : "a68d01f8-b15c-4be3-b800-ceae8c456f5a", "scope" : "READ", "status" : "approved", "api_product_list" : "[PremiumWeatherAPI]", "expires_in" : "3599", //--in seconds "" : "", "organization_id" : "0", "token_type" : "BearerToken", "client_id" : "k3nJyFJIA3p62DWOkLO6OJNi87GYXFmP", "access_token" : "7S22UqXGJDTuUADGzJzjXzXSaGJL", "organization_name" : "myorg", "refresh_token_expires_in" : "0", //--in seconds "refresh_count" : "0" }
Note the following:
- The application_name field contains the UUID of the app associated with the token. If you enable revocation of OAuth 2.0 access tokens by app ID, then this is the app ID you use.
- The access_token field contains the OAuth 2.0 access token value.
- There is no field for end user ID in the default OAuth access token.
To revoke OAuth 2.0 access tokens by end user ID, you have to configure the OAuth 2.0 policy
to include the user ID in the token. After you configure the policy to include the end user
ID in the token, it is included as the app_enduser
field, as shown below:
{ "issued_at" : "1421847736581", "application_name" : "a68d01f8-b15c-4be3-b800-ceae8c456f5a", "scope" : "READ", "app_enduser" : "6ZG094fgnjNf02EK", "status" : "approved", "api_product_list" : "[PremiumWeatherAPI]", "expires_in" : "3599", //--in seconds "" : "", "organization_id" : "0", "token_type" : "BearerToken", "client_id" : "k3nJyFJIA3p62DWOkLO6OJNi87GYXFmP", "access_token" : "7S22UqXGJDTuUADGzJzjXzXSaGJL", "organization_name" : "myorg", "refresh_token_expires_in" : "0", //--in seconds "refresh_count" : "0" }
Configuring the policies
To revoke tokens by user ID, you must first configure the OAuth 2.0 policy to add the user ID to the access token. By including end user IDs in access tokens, you will then be able to revoke tokens by end user ID.
To configure the policy to include an end user ID in an access token, you must specify the
input variable that contains the end user ID. Use the <AppEndUser>
tag to specify the
<OAuthV2 async="false" continueOnError="false" enabled="true" na>me=<"Gener>ateAccessToke<nClient">; < DisplayNameOAuth 2.0>.0 1/<DisplayName External>Aut<horizatio>nfalse/ExternalAuth<orization<>/span> O<perationGenerateAcc>essTo<ken/Opera>tion SupportedGr<antTypes > <GrantTypeclient_cred>ent<ials/GrantType /SupportedGrant>Typ<es Gene>rateResponse enabled="tr<ue"/ > G<rantTypere>quest.queryparam.grant_t<ype/GrantTy>pe < AppEndU>serreq<uest.heade>r<.appuser>ID/AppEndUser ExpiresIn960000/ExpiresIn /OAuthV2
Here is an example RevokeOAuthV2
policy configured to revoke access by EndUserId
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8&quo>t<; standalone="yes"? RevokeOAuthV2 continueOnError="false">; ena<bled=">true" name="<;GetOAuthV2I>nfo-1<" DisplayNameGet OAuth v2.0 Inf><o 1/Displa>yName< En>dUser<Id ref=&>q<uot;request.he>ader.appuserID"/EndUserId Cascadefalse/Cascade /RevokeOAuthV2
See also Revoke OAuth V2 policy.
The following example command generates a token and passes the user ID in appuserID
curl -H "appuserID:6ZG094fgnjNf02EK" \ -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \ -H "Authorization: Basic c3FIOG9vSGV4VHo4QzAyg5T1JvNnJoZ3ExaVNyQWw6WjRsanRKZG5lQk9qUE1BVQ" \ -X POST "" \ -d "grant_type=client_credentials"
You can pass information as part of a request in other ways. For example, as an alternative, you can:
- Use a form parameter variable: request.formparam.appuserID
- Use a flow variable providing the end user ID