Getting started

This page applies to Apigee and Apigee hybrid.

View Apigee Edge documentation.

This page explains how to get started using Advanced API Security for Subscription and Pay-as-you-go organizations.

Required roles and permissions

The following sections describe the required roles and permissions to perform tasks using Advanced API Security.

Required roles for security reports

The table below shows the required roles to perform tasks related to security reports.

Security Report Task Required Role(s)
Enable or disable Advanced API Security Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)
Create and view reports Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)
Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)
View reports Apigee Security Viewer (roles/apigee.securityViewer)
Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)

Required roles for risk assessment

The table below shows the required roles to perform tasks related to risk assessment.

Risk Assessment Task Required Role(s)
Create, update, or delete a custom security profile Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)
Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)
Attach or detach a security profile Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)
Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)
View security scores Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)
Apigee Security Viewer (roles/apigee.securityViewer)
Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)
List all security profiles or get a profile Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)
Apigee Security Viewer (roles/apigee.securityViewer)
Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)

Required roles and permissions for abuse detection

The table below shows the required roles and permissions to perform tasks related to abuse detection.

Abuse Detection Task Required Role(s) and Permission(s)
View incidents in the Abuse detection UI Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)
Apigee Security Viewer (roles/apigee.securityViewer)
Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)
View incident generative AI Insights cloudaicompanion.instances.generateText permission

Required roles for security actions

The table below shows the required roles to perform tasks related to security actions.

Security Action Task Required Role(s)
Create security actions Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)
Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)
Update security actions configuration Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)
Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)
View or list security actions Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)
Apigee Security Viewer (roles/apigee.securityViewer)
Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)
Check the state of enforcement Apigee Security Admin (roles/apigee.securityAdmin)
Apigee Security Viewer (roles/apigee.securityViewer)
Apigee Organization Admin (roles/apigee.admin)

Manage Advanced API Security for Subscription organizations

To use Advanced API Security as a Subscription customer, Advanced API Security must be part of your Subscription entitlements. See Apigee entitlements. To add Advanced API Security to your entitlements, contact Apigee Sales.

Once Advanced API Security is part of your entitlements, enable it in your organization:

If you are unsure whether you are using a Subscription or Pay-as-you-go Apigee organization, contact your Apigee organization administrator.

Get your Apigee add-ons configuration

In order to enable Advanced API Security for your Subscription organization, you first need to get your current Apigee add-ons configuration, using the following API call. This will also tell you whether Advanced API Security is already enabled.

curl "" \
  -X GET \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


  • ORG is the name of your organization.
  • $TOKEN is the environment variable for an OAuth access token.

This call returns basic information about your organization, including a section for your Apigee add-ons configuration that begins with the line:

"addonsConfig": {

Check to see whether this section contains the following entry:

"apiSecurityConfig": {
          "enabled": true

If so, Advanced API Security is already enabled in the organization. Otherwise, you need to enable it, as described next.

Enable Advanced API Security for Subscription organizations

To enable Advanced API Security in a Subscription organization with the default configuration, issue a POST request like the one shown below.

curl "" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "addonsConfig": {
      "apiSecurityConfig": {
          "enabled": true
      <Other entries of your current add-ons configuration>


  • ORG is the name of your organization.
  • $TOKEN is the environment variable for an OAuth access token.
  • <Other entries of your current add-ons configuration> consists of any other entries of your current Apigee add-ons configuration.

For example, if the current add-ons configuration is

"addonsConfig": {
  "integrationConfig": {
  "monetizationConfig": {

the command to enable Advanced API Security would be

curl "" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "addonsConfig": {
      "apiSecurityConfig": {
          "enabled": true
      "integrationConfig": {
          "enabled": true
      "monetizationConfig": {
          "enabled": true

After you send the request, you will see a response like the following:

  "name": "organizations/apigee-docs-d/operations/0718a945-76e0-4393-a456-f9929603b32c",
  "metadata": {
    "@type": "",
    "operationType": "UPDATE",
    "targetResourceName": "organizations/apigee-docs-d",
    "state": "IN_PROGRESS"

Disable Advanced API Security for Subscription organizations

If for some reason you need to disable Advanced API Security in your Subscription organization, you can do so by issuing a POST request, passing the add-ons configuration in your request body, as shown below.

curl "$ORG:setAddons" \
  -X POST \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
  -H "Content-type: application/json" \
  -d '{
    "addonsConfig": {
      "apiSecurityConfig": {
          "enabled": false
     <Include current add-ons configuration>

The following provides an example of the response showing that the operation is in progress:

  "name": "organizations/$ORG/operations/06274ffb-8940-41da-836d-781cba190437",
  "metadata": {
    "@type": "",
    "operationType": "UPDATE",
    "targetResourceName": "organizations/$ORG",
    "state": "IN_PROGRESS"

For more information, see the Configure organization add-ons API.

Manage Advanced API Security for Pay-as-you-go organizations

If you are a Pay-as-you-go customer, you can enable Advanced API Security as a paid add-on. For more information on enabling the Advanced API Security add-on for your Intermediate or Comprehensive Apigee environments, see Manage the Advanced API Security add-on.

If you are unsure whether you are using a Subscription or Pay-as-you-go Apigee organization, contact your Apigee organization administrator.

Manage Advanced API Security for eval organizations

The Advanced API Security add-on is automatically included with Apigee trial (evaluation) organizations, but you'll need to enable it.

To enable it, follow the instructions in Enable Advanced API Security for Subscription organizations.

If you need to disable it, follow the instructions in Disable Advanced API Security for Subscription organizations.

Next steps

Once you have enabled Advanced API Security, take a look at the following sections: