Work with remote functions

A BigQuery remote function allows you to implement your function in other languages than SQL and Javascript or with the libraries or services which are not allowed in BigQuery user-defined functions.


A BigQuery remote function lets you incorporate GoogleSQL functionality with software outside of BigQuery by providing a direct integration with Cloud Run functions and Cloud Run. With BigQuery remote functions, you can deploy your functions in Cloud Run functions or Cloud Run implemented with any supported language, and then invoke them from GoogleSQL queries.


  1. Create the HTTP endpoint in Cloud Run functions or Cloud Run.
  2. Create a remote function in BigQuery.
    1. Create a connection of type CLOUD_RESOURCE.
    2. Create a remote function.
  3. Use the remote function in a query just like any other user-defined functions.


  • Remote functions only support one of the following data types as argument type or return type:

    • Boolean
    • Bytes
    • Numeric
    • String
    • Date
    • Datetime
    • Time
    • Timestamp
    • JSON

    Remote functions do not support ARRAY, STRUCT, INTERVAL, or GEOGRAPHY types.

  • You cannot create temporary remote functions.

  • You cannot create table-valued remote functions.

  • You cannot use remote functions when creating materialized views.

  • The return value of a remote function is always assumed to be non-deterministic so the result of a query calling a remote function is not cached.

  • You might see repeated requests with the same data to your endpoint, even after successful responses, due to transient network errors or BigQuery internal errors.

  • When a remote function evaluation is skipped for some rows due to short-circuiting, for example, in conditional expressions or a MERGE statement with WHEN [NOT] MATCHED, batching is not used with the remote function. In this case, the calls field in the HTTP request body has exactly one element.

  • If the dataset associated with the remote function is replicated to a destination region through cross-region dataset replication, the remote function can only be queried in the region that it was created in.

Create an endpoint

To create a remote function that can implement business logic, you must create an HTTP endpoint by using either Cloud Run functions or Cloud Run. The endpoint must be able to process a batch of rows in a single HTTP POST request and return the results for the batch as an HTTP response.

If you are creating the remote function by using BigQuery DataFrames, you don't have to manually create the HTTP endpoint; the service does that for you automatically.

See the Cloud Run functions tutorial and other Cloud Run functions documentation on how to write, deploy, test and maintain a Cloud Run function.

See the Cloud Run quick start and other Cloud Run documentation on how to write, deploy, test and maintain a Cloud Run service.

It's recommended that you keep the default authentication instead of allowing unauthenticated invocation of your Cloud Run function or Cloud Run service.

Input format

BigQuery sends HTTP POST requests with JSON body in the following format:

Field name Description Field type
requestId Id of the request. Unique over multiple requests sent to this endpoint in a GoogleSQL query. Always provided. String.
caller Job full resource name for the GoogleSQL query calling the remote function. Always provided. String.
sessionUser Email of the user executing the GoogleSQL query. Always provided. String.
userDefinedContext The user defined context that was used when creating the remote function in BigQuery. Optional. A JSON object with key-value pairs.
calls A batch of input data. Always provided. A JSON array.

Each element itself is a JSON array, which is a JSON encoded argument list of one remote function call.

An example of a request:

 "requestId": "124ab1c",
 "caller": "//",
 "sessionUser": "",
 "userDefinedContext": {
  "key1": "value1",
  "key2": "v2"
 "calls": [
  [null, 1, "", "abc"],
  ["abc", "9007199254740993", null, null]

Output format

BigQuery expects the endpoint should return a HTTP response in the following format, otherwise BigQuery can't consume it and will fail the query calling the remote function.

Field name Description Value Range
replies A batch of return values. Required for a successful response. A JSON array.

Each element corresponds to a JSON encoded return value of the external function.

Size of the array must match the size of the JSON array of calls in the HTTP request. For example, if the JSON array in calls has 4 elements, this JSON array needs to have 4 elements as well.

errorMessage Error message when the HTTP response code other than 200 is returned. For non-retryable errors, we return this as part of the BigQuery job's error message to the user. Optional. String. Size should be less than 1KB.

An example of a successful response:

  "replies": [

An example of a failed response:

  "errorMessage": "Received but not expected that the argument 0 be null".

HTTP response code

Your endpoint should return the HTTP response code 200 for a successful response. When BigQuery receives any other value, BigQuery considers the response as a failure, and retries when the HTTP response code is 408, 429, 500, 503 or 504 until some internal limit.

JSON encoding of SQL data type

JSON encoding in HTTP request/response follows the existing BigQuery JSON encoding for TO_JSON_STRING function.

Sample Cloud Run function code

The following sample Python code implements adding all the integer arguments of the remote function. It handles a request with the arguments for batched invocations and returns all the result in a response.

import functions_framework

from flask import jsonify

# Max INT64 value encoded as a number in JSON by TO_JSON_STRING. Larger values are encoded as
# strings.
# See

def batch_add(request):
    return_value = []
    request_json = request.get_json()
    calls = request_json['calls']
    for call in calls:
      return_value.append(sum([int(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x for x in call if x is not None]))
    replies = [str(x) if x > _MAX_LOSSLESS or x < -_MAX_LOSSLESS else x for x in return_value]
    return_json = jsonify( { "replies":  replies } )
    return return_json
  except Exception as e:
    return jsonify( { "errorMessage": str(e) } ), 400

Assuming that the function is deployed in the project my_gcf_project in region us-east1 as the function name remote_add, it can be accessed via the endpoint

Sample Cloud Run code

The following sample Python code implements a web service, which can be built and deployed to Cloud Run for the same functionality.

import os

from flask import Flask, request, jsonify

# Max INT64 value encoded as a number in JSON by TO_JSON_STRING. Larger values are encoded as
# strings.
# See

app = Flask(__name__)

@app.route("/", methods=['POST'])
def batch_add():
    return_value = []
    request_json = request.get_json()
    calls = request_json['calls']
    for call in calls:
      return_value.append(sum([int(x) if isinstance(x, str) else x for x in call if x is not None]))
    replies = [str(x) if x > _MAX_LOSSLESS or x < -_MAX_LOSSLESS else x for x in return_value]
    return jsonify( { "replies" :  replies } )
  except Exception as e:
    return jsonify( { "errorMessage": str(e) } ), 400

if __name__ == "__main__":, host="", port=int(os.environ.get("PORT", 8080)))

See the guide on how to build and deploy the code.

Assuming that the Cloud Run service is deployed in the project my_gcf_project in region us-east1 as the service name remote_add, it can be accessed via the endpoint https://remote_add-<project_id_hash>

Create a remote function

BigQuery uses a CLOUD_RESOURCE connection to interact with your Cloud Run function. In order to create a remote function, you must create a CLOUD_RESOURCE connection. If you are creating the remote function by using BigQuery DataFrames and you have been granted the Project IAM Admin (roles/resourcemanager.projectIamAdmin) role, then you don't have to manually create the connection and grant it access; the service does that for you automatically.

Create a connection

You must have a Cloud resource connection to connect to Cloud Run function and Cloud Run.

Select one of the following options:


  1. Go to the BigQuery page.

    Go to BigQuery

  2. To create a connection, click Add, and then click Connections to external data sources.

  3. In the Connection type list, select Vertex AI remote models, remote functions and BigLake (Cloud Resource).

  4. In the Connection ID field, enter a name for your connection.

  5. Click Create connection.

  6. Click Go to connection.

  7. In the Connection info pane, copy the service account ID for use in a later step.


  1. In a command-line environment, create a connection:

    bq mk --connection --location=REGION --project_id=PROJECT_ID \
        --connection_type=CLOUD_RESOURCE CONNECTION_ID

    The --project_id parameter overrides the default project.

    Replace the following:

    • REGION: your connection region
    • PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
    • CONNECTION_ID: an ID for your connection

    When you create a connection resource, BigQuery creates a unique system service account and associates it with the connection.

    Troubleshooting: If you get the following connection error, update the Google Cloud SDK:

    Flags parsing error: flag --connection_type=CLOUD_RESOURCE: value should be one of...
  2. Retrieve and copy the service account ID for use in a later step:

    bq show --connection PROJECT_ID.REGION.CONNECTION_ID

    The output is similar to the following:

    name                          properties
    1234.REGION.CONNECTION_ID     {"serviceAccountId": ""}


Append the following section into your file.

 ## This creates a cloud resource connection.
 ## Note: The cloud resource nested object has only one output only field - serviceAccountId.
 resource "google_bigquery_connection" "connection" {
    connection_id = "CONNECTION_ID"
    project = "PROJECT_ID"
    location = "REGION"
    cloud_resource {}
Replace the following:

  • CONNECTION_ID: an ID for your connection
  • PROJECT_ID: your Google Cloud project ID
  • REGION: your connection region

Set up access

You must give the new connection read-only access to your Cloud Run function or Cloud Run service. It is not recommended to allow unauthenticated invocation for your Cloud Run function or Cloud Run service.

To grant roles, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the IAM & Admin page.

    Go to IAM & Admin

  2. Click Add.

    The Add principals dialog opens.

  3. In the New principals field, enter the service account ID that you copied earlier.

  4. In the Select a role field, select one of the following options:

    • If you are using a 1st-gen Cloud Run function, choose Cloud Function, and then select Cloud Function Invoker role.
    • If you are using a 2nd-gen Cloud Run function, choose Cloud Run, and then select Cloud Run Invoker role.
    • If you are using a Cloud Run service, choose Cloud Run, and then select Cloud Run Invoker role.
  5. Click Save.

Create a remote function

To create a remote function:


Run the following CREATE FUNCTION statement in BigQuery:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the BigQuery page.

    Go to BigQuery

  2. In the query editor, enter the following statement:

      endpoint = 'ENDPOINT_URL'

    Replace the following:

    • DATASET_ID: the ID of your BigQuery dataset.
    • ENDPOINT_URL: the URL of your Cloud Run function or Cloud Run remote function endpoint.

  3. Click Run.

For more information about how to run queries, see Run an interactive query.

BigQuery DataFrames

  1. Enable the required APIs and make sure you have been granted the required roles, as described in the Requirements section of Remote functions.
  2. Use the remote_function decorator:

    import bigframes.pandas as bpd
    # Set BigQuery DataFrames options
    bpd.options.bigquery.project = your_gcp_project_id
    bpd.options.bigquery.location = "us"
    # BigQuery DataFrames gives you the ability to turn your custom scalar
    # functions into a BigQuery remote function. It requires the GCP project to
    # be set up appropriately and the user having sufficient privileges to use
    # them. One can find more details about the usage and the requirements via
    # `help` command.
    # Read a table and inspect the column of interest.
    df = bpd.read_gbq("bigquery-public-data.ml_datasets.penguins")
    # Define a custom function, and specify the intent to turn it into a remote
    # function. It requires a BigQuery connection. If the connection is not
    # already created, BigQuery DataFrames will attempt to create one assuming
    # the necessary APIs and IAM permissions are setup in the project. In our
    # examples we will be letting the default connection `bigframes-default-connection`
    # be used. We will also set `reuse=False` to make sure we don't
    # step over someone else creating remote function in the same project from
    # the exact same source code at the same time. Let's try a `pandas`-like use
    # case in which we want to apply a user defined scalar function to every
    # value in a `Series`, more specifically bucketize the `body_mass_g` value
    # of the penguins, which is a real number, into a category, which is a
    # string.
    def get_bucket(num: float) -> str:
        if not num:
            return "NA"
        boundary = 4000
        return "at_or_above_4000" if num >= boundary else "below_4000"
    # Then we can apply the remote function on the `Series`` of interest via
    # `apply` API and store the result in a new column in the DataFrame.
    df = df.assign(body_mass_bucket=df["body_mass_g"].apply(get_bucket))
    # This will add a new column `body_mass_bucket` in the DataFrame. You can
    # preview the original value and the bucketized value side by side.
    df[["body_mass_g", "body_mass_bucket"]].head(10)
    # The above operation was possible by doing all the computation on the
    # cloud. For that, there is a google cloud function deployed by serializing
    # the user code, and a BigQuery remote function created to call the cloud
    # function via the latter's http endpoint on the data in the DataFrame.
    # The BigQuery remote function created to support the BigQuery DataFrames
    # remote function can be located via a property `bigframes_remote_function`
    # set in the remote function object.
    print(f"Created BQ remote function: {get_bucket.bigframes_remote_function}")
    # The cloud function can be located via another property
    # `bigframes_cloud_function` set in the remote function object.
    print(f"Created cloud function: {get_bucket.bigframes_cloud_function}")
    # Warning: The deployed cloud function may be visible to other users with
    # sufficient privilege in the project, so the user should be careful about
    # having any sensitive data in the code that will be deployed as a remote
    # function.
    # Let's continue trying other potential use cases of remote functions. Let's
    # say we consider the `species`, `island` and `sex` of the penguins
    # sensitive information and want to redact that by replacing with their hash
    # code instead. Let's define another scalar custom function and decorate it
    # as a remote function. The custom function in this example has external
    # package dependency, which can be specified via `packages` parameter.
    def get_hash(input: str) -> str:
        from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
        # handle missing value
        if input is None:
            input = ""
        key = Fernet.generate_key()
        f = Fernet(key)
        return f.encrypt(input.encode()).decode()
    # We can use this remote function in another `pandas`-like API `map` that
    # can be applied on a DataFrame
    df_redacted = df[["species", "island", "sex"]].map(get_hash)

You need to have the permission bigquery.routines.create on the dataset where you create the remote function, and the bigquery.connections.delegate permission (available from the BigQuery Connection Admin role) on the connection that is used by the remote function.

Providing user defined context

You can specify user_defined_context in OPTIONS as a form of key-value pairs, which will be part of every HTTP request to the endpoint. With user defined context, you can create multiple remote functions but re-use a single endpoint, that provides different behaviors based on the context passed to it.

The following examples create two remote functions to encrypt and decrypt BYTES data using the same endpoint.

  endpoint = 'ENDPOINT_URL',
  user_defined_context = [("mode", "encryption")]

  endpoint = 'ENDPOINT_URL',
  user_defined_context = [("mode", "decryption")]

Limiting number of rows in a batch request

You can specify max_batching_rows in OPTIONS as the maximum number of rows in each HTTP request, to avoid Cloud Run functions timeout. If not specified, BigQuery will decide how many rows are included in a batch.

Use a remote function in a query

Make sure you have granted the permission on your Cloud Run function, so that it is accessible to BigQuery's service account associated with the connection of the remote function.

You also need to have the permission bigquery.routines.get on the dataset where the remote function is, and the bigquery.connections.use permission, which you can get through the BigQuery Connection User role, on the connection which is used by the remote function.

You can use a remote function in a query just like a user defined function.

For example, you can use the remote_add function in the example query:

  `PROJECT_ID.DATASET_ID`.remote_add(val, 2)
  UNNEST([NULL,2,3,5,8]) AS val;

This example produces the following output:

|  val | f0_ |
| NULL |   2 |
|    2 |   4 |
|    3 |   5 |
|    5 |   7 |
|    8 |  10 |

Supported regions

There are two types of locations in BigQuery:

  • A region is a specific geographic place, such as London.

  • A multi-region is a large geographic area, such as the United States, that contains two or more geographic places.

Single regions

In a BigQuery single region dataset, you can only create a remote function that uses a Cloud Run function deployed in the same region. For example:

  • A remote function in BigQuery single region us-east4 can only use a Cloud Run function in us-east4.

So for single regions, remote functions are only supported in regions that support both Cloud Run functions and BigQuery.


In a BigQuery multi-region (US, EU) dataset, you can only create a remote function that uses a Cloud Run function deployed in a region within the same large geographic area (US, EU). For example:

  • A remote function in BigQuery US multi-region can only use a Cloud Run function deployed in any single region in the US geographic area, such as us-central1, us-east4, us-west2, etc.
  • A remote function in BigQuery EU multi-region can only use a Cloud Run function deployed in any single region in member states of the European Union, such as europe-north1, europe-west3, etc.

For more information about BigQuery regions and multi-regions, see the Dataset Locations page. For more information about Cloud Run functions regions, see the Cloud Run functions Locations page.


For either a single-region location or multi-region location, you can only create a remote function in the same location as the connection you use. For example, to create a remote function in the US multi-region, use a connection located in the US multi-region.


Using VPC Service Controls

VPC Service Controls is a Google Cloud feature that allows you to set up a secure perimeter to guard against data exfiltration. To use VPC Service Controls with remote functions for additional security, or to use endpoints with internal traffic ingress settings, follow the VPC Service Controls guide to:

  1. Create a service perimeter.

  2. Add the BigQuery project of the query using the remote function into the perimeter.

  3. Add the endpoint project into the perimeter and set Cloud Functions API or Cloud Run API in the restricted services based on your endpoint type. For more details, see Cloud Run functions VPC Service Controls and Cloud Run VPC Service Controls.

Best practices for remote functions

  • Prefilter your input: If your input can be easily filtered down before being passed to a remote function, your query will likely be faster and cheaper.

  • Keep your Cloud Run function scalable. Scalability is a function of minimum instances, maximum instances, and concurrency.

    • Where possible, use the default value for your Cloud Run function's maximum number of instances.
    • Note that there is no default limit for 1st gen HTTP Cloud Run functions. To avoid unbounded scaling events with 1st gen HTTP Cloud Run functions while testing or in production, we recommend setting a limit, for example, 3000.
  • Follow other Cloud Run function tips for better performance. Remote function queries interacting with a high latency Cloud Run function might fail due to timeout.

  • Implement your endpoint to return a right HTTP response code and payload for a failed response.

    • To minimize retries from BigQuery, use HTTP response codes other than 408, 429, 500, 503 and 504 for a failed response, and make sure to catch all exceptions in your function code. Otherwise, the HTTP service framework may automatically return 500 for any uncaught exceptions. You might still see retried HTTP requests when BigQuery retries a failed data partition or query.

    • Your endpoint should return a JSON payload in the defined format for a failed response. Even not strictly required, it helps BigQuery distinguish whether the failed response is from your function implementation or the infrastructure of Cloud Run functions/Cloud Run. For the latter, BigQuery may retry with a different internal limit.


For information about remote function quotas, see Quotas and limits.