Obfuscate user data for analytics

This feature allows you to obscure data before sending it as part of the analytics payload. With this feature, Apigee uses SHA512 to hash the original value before sending data from the runtime plane to the control plane.

For additional information on using data obfuscation, including information on enabling the feature in environments, see Obfuscate user data for Apigee API Analytics.

Set the salt value in Apigee hybrid

You can set the salt value for the hash with the axHashSalt property in the overrides.yaml file. The axHashSalt property specifies a value used as a salt when computing SHA512 hashes to obfuscate sensitive analytics data. Apigee recommends using the same value across different clusters that host the same Apigee organization. Apply the value with the apigee-org chart with the following command:

helm upgrade ORG_NAME apigee-org/ \
  --namespace apigee \
  --atomic \
  -f overrides.yaml